Friday, August 20, 2021

My Suddenly-Empty Nest + My Client's Gorgeous Jason Yenter "Seasons" Quilt

I have a gorgeous client quilt to share with you today, but first -- OH MY GOSH; it's SO QUIET and empty in my house right now!!  If either of my sons was home right now instead of being away at their respective colleges, they would definitely still be asleep, but still.  The silence of the suddenly-empty nest is deafening!

My Son Anders -- and My Kaleidoscope Quilt -- Live at Furman University Now

We moved Son-the-Younger into his Freshman dorm at Furman University yesterday.  The Giverny Teleidoscope quilt I made ended up fitting the dorm bed just fine, although Anders did complain about how he's going to be too hot now and "suffocate."  Poor baby -- smothered by mama's love, even from hundreds of miles away!  ðŸ˜‚

Anders' Quilt Blessing at Christ Lutheran in June, Photo Credit Annabelle Laine

I don't think I ever shared any photos from the quilt blessing at our church, Christ Lutheran, back in early June.  They did it outside with just a few families at a time this year due to the pandemic, and summer photography intern Annabelle Laine took this great photo for us.  

We already moved our older son Lars back to Appalachian State University to start his Junior year last weekend, so last night was the first time in over 20 years that it was just me and Bernie living in our house.  Totally different feeling from when they are temporarily gone for a sleepover, too.  This will take some getting used to!

Same Kid, 15 Years Ago Today

And then THIS picture pops up in my One Drive "On This Day" email from 2006.  This is the 3-year-old version of the son that we dropped off and left in South Carolina yesterday.  How well I remember those sweet, chubby cheeks and those temporary red eyed tree frog tattoos!!!  Not feeling sad at all, though.  He is going to have a fantastic first year of college and I'm so excited for him!

And Now, Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Pam's 94 x 92 Seasons Quilt with Graffiti #7 E2E

This is the first quilt I loaded on my frame after getting the long-awaited Q-Matic computer robotics installed on my new Bernina Q24 long arm machine.  My client Pam made this as a wedding gift for her daughter, and the photos don't do it justice -- this quilt is even more gorgeous in person!  We used the same Karlee Porter Graffiti #7 quilting design that I used on my own Color Outside the Lines bear paw quilt a few months ago, although the quilting is much more subtle against Pam's lovely assortment of Jason Yenter prints.  

Graffiti 7 E2E in Lagoon Glide Thread

This is the Seasons Quilt pattern from Jason Yenter, by the way, and if you love this quilt as much as I do you can get the pattern and Winter fabric kit to make one just like Pam's on Etsy here.  These fabrics are just fabulous -- super soft and silky, reminding me of some of Kaffe Fassett Collective's fabrics for Free Spirit or even Tana Lawn from Liberty of London.

Graffiti 7 E2E in Lagoon Glide Thread

I love the movement of this quilting design for this quilt, like rolling, crashing waves.  I chose Glide thread in a slightly greenish-blue Lagoon shade after auditioning a variety of possibilities to see what color would look as good on the lightest prints as it did on the deepest, darkest navys.  In the bobbin, I used the lighter 60 weight Glide thread in Hawaiian Blue, which makes the quilting stand out beautifully against the deep blue backing fabric:

Quilting Design Shows Up More More on the Back of This Quilt

The batting for this quilt is Quilter's Dream Cotton Select.  Thanks so much for choosing me to quilt for you, Pam, and for being so patient and understanding about my backordered computer robotics!

Even With This Much Quilting, SUPER Soft and Snuggly Finished Quilt!

PSST!!  I'd Love to Quilt for YOU!

By the way, if you or any of your quilty friends has a quilt top or two that needs quilting, I'd be delighted to quilt for you!  My turnaround for edge-to-edge quilting is currently running about 3-4 weeks, and you can click here to find out how to book your quilt with me.

I'm linking up today's post with the following linky parties.  Have a great weekend, everyone!


UFO Busting at Tish in Wonderland


Frédérique at Quilting Patchwork Appliqué

Oh Scrap! at Quilting Is More Fun Than Housework


O'Quilts said...

All amazing!! Time flying with your boys at school. Stunning quilt in which to be smothered.
Great pictures of you. Enjoy your space.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

So nice to see the quilt settled and with your son! Always great to have a part of you close to the boys ;) Beautiful customer's quilt, and the quilting swirls are lovely!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I so remember that empty feeling when the girls went off to college so many years ago they decided to leave for the same college after our older had finished 2 years locally - I was lost without them it seemed for awhile - eventually got used to it and just when I did they both decided come back and finish college locally LOL - lived in their old room here again for awhile and then ended up getting an apartment with friends only 10 miles from us so continued to be in and out for years :) -- they were 2 years apart but decided to do most of their college experience together.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

oh and meant to say love the photos of you and your son & quilt

Sharon Kwilter said...

Thanks for sharing that quilting pantograph; I definitely need to go looking for it now.

Derynda said...

Oh, Rebecca, I know what it is like when the birds fly the nest.. but nothing can prepare you for the overwhelming feeling of empty nest syndrome when the last one leaves PERMANENTLY. I could not go into my son's ex bedroom without tears for quite a while. One day I said to myself, this can't go on ... so I dragged out all his stuff to take to him, and turned the room into a sewing room.
Joy from loss. Of course he has his own home now, & children of his own.And i have a good room for sewing. 😆

Sandy said...

Enjoy your empty nest, Rebecca Grace -- it's a bit hard to get used to at first, but it eventually begins to seem normal. ;) Gorgeous quilt, too -- of course!

Denise said...

I love Karlee Porter designs. This gave me inspiration for a quilt I need to get done. Thanks. d

piecefulwendy said...

Giverny looks great on his dorm bed, and what a great photo of the two of you, as well as the Quilt Blessing photo. I'm confident he is going to have a great year, and you two will transition easily. Your client quilt is a beauty - love the quilting design!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Beautiful quilt and quilting, Rebecca! I totally get that empty nest feeling. Our daughter (only child) lived at home during her first two years of college because the school she chose for her undergrad and Masters degrees, the best in the southeast for her field of study, was less than 10 miles from our home! It didn't hurt that she had a valedictorian scholarship either! At the end of her sophomore year she got married! It took a lot of getting used to after having her home for 20 years!! Thankfully, now she lives only a few miles from us and we see those sweet grands as much as we want!! It will get easier, just takes some time!

Kathleen said...

Oh, it is so sad when they fly. The good news is there are a lot more returning to the nest in the next couple of years before it really happens. I am still shocked at the joy I feel when he returns to stay a night (his apartment is less that 3 miles away) and so it is infrequent.

Now on to that gorgeous quilt….oh my. You did a fabulous job and I love that graffiti pattern! I am sure your client is thrilled that she waited and I am sure you are thrilled that it is in the house!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

I know you miss your children, but they will be back and just wait - grand babies next!!! Your quilting is absolutely beautiful. You always pick the best quilting pattern for each quilt! Hugs

Cynthia Marrs said...

Always great to find a fellow Lutheran. Anders looks like he loves his quilt. Makes all that work to create it worthwhile. He was a darling little boy. Now he's all grown up. Amazing how time flies.
KP's quilt design looks great on the blue quilt.
I love following your work. So inspirational.


Cynthia Marrs said...

Always great to find a fellow Lutheran. Anders looks like he loves his quilt. Makes all that work to create it worthwhile. He was a darling little boy. Now he's all grown up. Amazing how time flies.
KP's quilt design looks great on the blue quilt.
I love following your work. So inspirational.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Best of luck to Son-the-Younger and congratulations on getting your computer robotics up and running. That client quilt turned out beautifully!

MissPat said...

Empty nest syndrome is a real thing, but you'll adapt and soon they will be home for Thanksgiving. Great pictures of the family. That client quilt is beautiful and your intricate quilting is the perfect enhancement. Hope you are enjoying the new long arm.

Darlene S said...

Congratulations on getting both boys off in college. What a major milestone in life. Kudos to all of you. I love the quilt you made for your youngest, as well as the stunning quilting on your customer's quilt. Absolutely gorgeous. Perfect motif choice.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I remember that empty nest feeling so vividly, even though my boys are in their 30s. It is an exciting, but bittersweet time. I didn't cry until I heard the oldest one's voice on our answering machine a few days after moving him in to the dorm! Your client quilt is gorgeous!

Bonnie said...

Congratulations on getting your robotics up and running -- Beautiful quilt. The silence when the "kids" are gone is amazing. (That can be both positive and negative!) But now as long time empty nesters and being retired I cherish the quiet. Most television is too loud and the wonderful grands can be really noisy but so much fun to have around. Hope you have many, many happy hours with your long arm.

Preeti said...

Handsome young man, gorgeous quilt and terrific pictures. Wishing all the best to both Lars and Anders as they are smothered :-p with your quilty love. Samwise was missing from the pictures. He will rule the house now, completely.

Kate said...

The empty nest thing does take some getting used to. Ours is a super senior (starting 5th and final year). It took us a good year to realize that we didn't have to worry about being home to be sure the teenager got fed and almost 2 years to realize we really could take off for a week all on our own. The customer quilt is gorgeous! That will be a much appreciated wedding gift.