
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

To-Do On Tuesday: Press! Load! Quilt! And Piece a Pineapple!

Hello and Happy Tuesday, y'all!  Well, since I'm experimenting with goal-setting now, I may as well go whole hog, don't you think?  I posted yesterday about my One Monthly Goal for March (quilting and binding my Tabby Mountain quilt).  As you know, I failed to reach my OMG for February, so I'm going to try something else this time around.  Today I'm going to try setting some interim goals just for this week in hopes of being more successful in reaching my end-of-month goal.  You know, like when we were in school and we had a big research paper to do, but it was broken down in stages: This week we will choose a topic and find sources, next week we will do 50 notecards, etc.  

Quilting Tabby Mountain Is the Goal!
Since my goal for the month of March is to finish my Tabby Mountain quilt shown above, these are the steps I'd like to take towards that goal for this week:

  1. I need to design and embroider a quilt label and decide whether it goes on the front of the quilt or on the back.
  2. I need to dig around in my studio to see if I have a package of batting the right size for Tabby Mountain.  If not, I need to purchase batting.  
  3. Then I need to get all the dog fur and stray threads off my quilt top and give it a final pressing.  
  4. Next, my extra-wide backing fabric needs to be cut to size, pressed and squared
  5. Then I can load Tabby Mountain on my quilting frame!
  6. It would be nice if I could baste my horizontal seam lines and outer edges of the quilt before the end of the week... 
  7. -- Oh, one more thing: Now that Tabby Mountain is out from under my Bernina, I'd like to finish that pineapple log cabin quilt block this week.

Dulce Pom Trim from Samuel and Sons Passementerie
So far today, the only thing I have accomplished is checking email and scouring the Internet for luscious pom pom trim that I could put on the edges of my Tabby Mountain quilt, either in lieu of or incorporated into a traditional double fold fabric binding:.

Wouldn't that be delicious?   The color is Blueberry, a deep, dark blue, and the 1" poms are unbelievably soft because they are made of wool, not that polyester stuff you find in craft stores.  It's from Samuel & Sons Passementerie, one of my favorite high-end interior design resources...  But alas, it retails for $120 per yard and I would need EIGHT yards to go around the edges of this quilt.  So, NO.  Also it is labeled Dry Clean Only, and who wants a quilt that needs to be dry cleaned?! If I could find a reasonably priced alternative with faux fur, Minky type pom poms in the right color, that would be ideal.  If anyone knows of a resource, please let me know in the comments!  

I'm linking up with:
To Do Tuesday Button 200 x 200


  1. Wow...this quilt is just the CUTEST!

  2. I like your analogy of treating your OMG as a set of smaller goals. Best of luck! I wonder if it would be cheaper to buy some wool yarn and make your 1” Pom-poms. My grandmother used to make them all the time with yarn and a piece of cardboard. Just a thought. Course 8 yards is a LOT of winding yarn on cardboard. Good luck! Lane

  3. Oh I love the idea of pom poms on that quilt. It's the perfect quilt for it. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

  4. Yep chunking your goals -- whether during a week or over several monthly goals really works. I have a great quilt to show for that method! OH MY! I wouldn't buy those gorgeous pompoms either at that price. Could you find a rick rack? On the other hand it might not go with the quilt.... good luck with your goals.

  5. Good idea with incremental goals, but some months are just like that. sigh. I'm sitting here rolling around the wool pompom trim edging, and it's fascinating. But can I think of an alternative? Sadly, no. I hate how edgings catch every piece of lint and hair, and remember picking at things like that as a kid. As pretty as what this is, could you make it a wall hanging only? And if so, could you do a tassel trim or fashion one with wooden beads instead-- even painting it? I know that's not your line of thought, but I'm brainstorming here! I love the idea of the balls tipping off those peaky spikes.

  6. Just one a week pineapple 🍍 yeah

  7. Ooo-fabulous idea with those pom poms! Glad that I don't have access to such wonderful trims-how tempting!

  8. What a great idea to cut up the goal into stages. I must ponder that for my goals. Love the pom-pom trim!!! But egads! $120/yard!!!

  9. I can't wait to see your grand finish! I have no grand ideas for pom-pom replacements. :-(

  10. so...just a short list of goals? Just kidding :-)
    Although I do want you to hurry up. I am dying to see this finished beauty of yours.

  11. Love the idea of breaking the main goal down into smaller goals! I need to try that myself! The quilt top is super cute! Thank you so much for linking up with To-Do Tuesday!

  12. OK, so as I sit here eating chips and dips, my thought stream while reading this post was happily thinking oh-man-you're-making-me-think-of-a-project-that-can-use-pom-pom-trim when suddenly I was choking horribly on the latest crunchy-cool bite!! $120 per yard????! That's insane! Did you even find a nice "real" choice?


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