
Monday, January 15, 2018

In Which I Shamelessly Flaunt My CCD: Compulsive Creative Disorder

My Math quilt remains untouched on my longarm frame (perhaps today or tomorrow?).  My Tabby Mountain quilt remains on my design wall, since I had to order a couple Kaffe Fassett prints to replace the creepy Cat Eyes fabric (maybe by end of this week, or early next week the fabric will get here?).  I don't feel like making a pineapple block right now, I'm bored with my eight identical in-progress Frankenwhiggish Rose applique blocks, and I'm not in the right mood to finish the Jingle BOM applique top or to make more Farmer's Wife blocks or clam shells or to start any of my one patch project ideas.  But I was just over on Esther Aliu's blog and saw her free BOM applique project for 2018, Queen's Garden.  I am in love.  Not too easy, not too difficult, not too repetitive, and perfect for all my bright, splashy scraps of fabric.  I HAVE TO MAKE THIS QUILT!

Queen's Garden, 70 x 70 Free BOM by Esther Aliu

I have been reading on the Internet, folks, and it has come to my attention that an awful lot of quilters out there have an awful lot more projects-in-progress than I do.  You can call them WIPs (Works In Progress), UFOs (UnFinished Objects), or Proof of Mom's Poor Work Ethic (what my son Anders calls MY projects-in-progress), but I'm pretty sure that it's not an actual SIN to start a new project before finishing an old one.  And if it IS a sin, well, at least it's not a MORTAL sin.  Certainly nothing I need to confess in church and pray for forgiveness, right?  

You know, as I'm thinking about it, God Himself, the Creator of the Universe, has more WIPs than anyone.  Every human being on this planet is a WIP and UNICEF estimates that over 350,000 new babies (God's new projects) are being born every day.  

Infrared Portrait of God's WIPs and NewFOs in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Credit: ESO/ESA/JPL-Caltech/NASA/D. Gouliermis (MPIA) et al.

The Earth itself is a WIP, and the Universe is a WIP with new stars being born before all the old stars have burned out...  The picture above from Science Daily is of a dwarf galaxy near the Milky Way.  The blue areas show God's WIPs (stars that have been around awhile, but haven't yet burned out) and the red dots are all brand new stars being born, like so many new projects going on simultaneously in the heavens.  When I read in the Bible that we were created in God's image, to me that means God created us to BE creators.  

And so, based on this new Quilter's Theology that I have just invented (you're welcome), there is no such thing as Quilt Guilt because we were MADE to work on lots of different projects at once and to be CONSTANTLY STARTING NEW PROJECTS even though our other projects aren't finished yet, just like all those new babies being born and all those red dots in the Small Magellan Cloud dwarf galaxy.

Which just shows you the lengths that I am willing to go in order to justify my reckless decision to add YET ANOTHER new project, when all the other quilters on the Internet are making resolutions to finish what they've already started!  Hah!  But seriously -- this is my HOBBY.  It's supposed to be fun and it's supposed to be relaxing.  If I'm having fun and I'm relaxing, it doesn't matter if I EVER finish a quilt.  Finished quilts are happy accidents that occasionally happen in my studio, not regular occurrences or obligations.

Join me on the Dark Side, Ladies and Gentlemen -- and start a NEW project today!  Might I suggest Esther's new applique BOM?

Today I'm linking up with:


  1. I love the star photo.
    I'm having the same problem with the long arm, but I've not yet got the quilt loaded.
    Good luck this week.

  2. I've never felt more liberated!! I need to start a new project NOW!!!!

  3. I saw Esther's BOM and like it a lot. For some reason I feel like it's out of my reach - maybe because I've only appliqued, like, one block ever?? Hmm... I love your reasoning behind starting new projects; thank you for sharing with all your quilty friends! It helps me to feel okay about all the unfinished projects hanging out in my sewing room. :)

  4. I saw Esther's new BOM the other day and glad to see you are starting it, I'm not doing that one I have too many others that I am working on and the Hertfordshire quilt to me is my newest one that is barely started so that counts as a new quilt to me - I am bouncing from one quilt to another so plenty busy with projects right now and I sat down and started to quilt on the hexies last night. I like your reasoning though - we must do what we are happy doing in our quilting and if that means starting another top then start! one day you will pick up one of the older ones and want to finish it (or not)

  5. New projects are the spice of life!

  6. I think you have just found the answer to happiness!!! Just think of the thrill we get when starting a new project. Just like falling in love or flirting with your crush! Who wouldn't want to feel that feeling 24/7? So, off to start a new table topper....well, as soon as I finish the current afghan block I am knitting. Baby steps, I have to learn to be irresponsible with baby steps. LOL!!

  7. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a nice comment. It was very nice to find your blog and I liked what I read. About all God's WIP. I liked the image of the universe with all the stars and your thoughts about God. Enjoy all your projects. :-)

  8. I scoffed at "Proof of Mom's Poor Work Ethic" I agree with you. Deadlines, goals, plans and schedules are for work. My quilting should be completely liberating. I will chase every squirrel I can. I have scribbled new project ideas, while I was in the middle of being distracted by a squirrel, while I was working on an ongoing project. And why not - this new thing that you are about to embark on is very attractive. She sure beckoned to me. Alas, I am outta her league. But, you go girl. Kudos to you. I will be watching this space closely.

  9. Ask your son to make a quilt. Pick one that is really repetitious. I suggest a Log Cabin quilt ala Eleanor Burns. Do not make it scrappy. Have him make a king size one. Wait for him to whine about how boring it is. Then suggest he work on another quilt to break the boredom...I don't know. It might work!

  10. By the way...can I have the link for your badge so I can post it on my blog. I'm at

  11. I like the analogy of WIPs and us being God's WIPs. Very true. Great post.

  12. We love you Cheeky! Optimism, cheerfulness, and joyous curiosity combined in one starry soul! Love Esther's quilt and continue to be yourself always. Hope Bernie is doing okay.

  13. EEEk, I'm trying not to start any new quilts this year, and your picture of Esther's new BOM is so pretty, that you are tempting me. I am trying to not look at it, but I keep looking at it. I will be following your progress on it, and probably saving the patterns.....and probably starting it. It's all good, right? Thanks also for linking up with Design Wall Monday.

  14. What a WONDERFUL analogy! We are ALL WIP's! Now, I can understand if I'm making a quilt as a commitment I made to someone. That would need to be finished, but all the rest of them that I started just because I wanted to . . . I think they will probably eventually come around on the I-want-to-work-on-that-again list, and if they don't? Oh well! No harm done. That new project is gorgeous! Have fun!

  15. Waah! Rebecca what are you doing to me!? I was feeling all good about myself thinking I would tackle ufo's and kits bought but never started that are hanging out taking up space in my sewing room. Now you provide me with the right justification to let it all go and what the heck, buy more fabric! AND, show me a BOM that I love to pieces. �� Enjoy the creative process; I'll be following.

  16. Ut oh sounds like you are truly tired of my trying to get you to do/finish that pineapple quilt.

    Just so you know it's me not you I want that quilt pieced into a top it is so close to being a top and I am old very very very old I might not make it to see those blocks all finished and pieced into a top

    Just try to sew a seam or 30 to finish up (what 8 blocks out of 200) so this old woman you don't know can see a picture of your finished quilt top.

    Is it too much to ask?

  17. I think you are one of those people my mother warned me about. You are SO good after my last post on not joining another QAL that I joined Esther's FB group to at least get the pattern for the first blocks! I'm not going to commit at the moment, but between your logic and her design finesse, I might consider giving this a whirl. (sigh)

  18. I really loved your post! Thanks for helping us all feel better about our hobby, that is supposed to be fun! Would you mind if I added it as a link to my Thursday post so others who might not have seen it can read it, too? Thanks!

  19. According to your post I have exceeded godliness and am headed for sainthood. Love your perspective and whole heartedly agree! Preach!

  20. I came over to check out your blog from Little Penguin Quilts blog I like Thursday post. Great reasoning, and Quilt Theology that is awesome.

  21. :D :D :D God and his >350,000 daily babies!!! I'm feeling good about my list of UFOs and NETYs! I have been eyeing this BOM for some time, as it's the perfect foil for my desire to use Kaffe Fassetts in something. ::sigh:: I do believe you've just tipped the scale for me. . .

  22. You are a temptress, but I guess Esther started it with her beautiful quilt. You'd better start several quilts to catch up with my starts. It definitely all about enjoying the hobby so you can start as many as you want.

  23. Hi there! I've been home from work with some flu like thing and discovered your blog yesterday. I love your outlook on things. I was inspired to start an inventory of works in progress on my blog (no one reads it, so it's more like a creative journal, just for my personal enjoyment), but I would like to quote you at the top of my WIP page (Finished quilts are happy accidents that occasionally happen in my studio, not regular occurrences or obligations.), would that be okay?


Talk to me, Baby! I LOVE hearing from my readers! I read and appreciate every comment I receive. If you ask a specific question I'll do my best to respond to you, but I am not able to respond to every single comment I receive due to multiple demands on my time and only so many hours in the day. I appreciate you and your feedback. Thanks for visiting!