Considering that it takes me at least two years to make a quilt from start to finish, I thought I should start thinking about Lars's high school graduation quilt. Every year in June, our church does a big celebration of our graduating seniors during worship service, and each student's family presents their child with a special quilt. There's a blessing, baby pictures up on the screens, and it's basically a big tear-fest. You're supposed to make a quilt that folds up into a pillow (hence "quillow"), but I'm not into that for several reasons: 1. Sewing the pillow pocket on the back of the quilt would mess up my quilting design 2. My son isn't even going to make his bed, let alone carefully fold his quilt up just right so that it fits into the pocket. So I spent a few hours with my EQ7 software program today working on a design for a QUILT, not a QUILLOW. Here's what I have come up with so far:
Stained Glass Quillow Design for Lars, 68" x 102" |
And, as you can see, may have gotten carried away... I have to keep reminding myself that, unlike my elaborate window treatment designs for clients' interior design projects, I can't just drop a quilt design and fabric off at my drapery workroom and wait for the miracle of installation day. If this is going to be Lars's Quillow Ceremony quilt, then I have to actually make it myself, and I have less than 24 months to do it. Most of the kids get T-shirt quilts or simply pieced designs incorporating their school colors, maybe personalized with an embroidered monogram or Bible verse. But I am a quilter, and I can't make that kind of quilt for my son. Not for such a special occasion, not for a quilt that will be blessed and consecrated and sent out with him into the big, wide world, serving as a visual reminder of who he is and where he comes from. I designed one of these for the son of a friend of mine last year, using Ohio State colors and inspired by his favorite Bible verse:
Bobby's Quillow from 2016 |
I love how it came out, and so did my friend and her son. I want the Quillow quilt for my own son to be just as meaningful.
So, first of all, you need to know that Lars has always been very artistic and he doesn't shy away from bold colors. No muted "masculine color scheme" for this kid. Lars designed those crazy blocks all by himself during an EQ7 intermediate patchwork design class we took together at a quilt show back in 2014. He was using the Merge Blocks feature, and came up with this:
Lars's Original EQ7 Design |
Not bad for a 13-year-old, wouldn't you agree? I've wanted to try to make this someday, and Lars's graduation quilt seems like the perfect opportunity. For his Quillow design, I enlarged the blocks because there are a LOT of small pieces and I'm not certain I can even MAKE these crazy blocks, let alone make as many of them as I would need for Lars's original design. Then I recolored them to create a stained glass, cathedral window effect with a subtle cross. I showed the design to my son and it meets with his approval.
So... REALITY CHECK: These are all of the quilting projects I have going on right now, and how much work is left on each one:
1. Butterfly Bear Paws: Top finished; need to cut and attach borders & quilt. Started this 3 years ago.
2. Math
Quilt: Probably should add borders, then ready to quilt. Started this 3 years ago.
3. Jingle BOM: Needs inner borders, top assembled w/setting triangles, deal with bleeding red fabric, & quilt. Started this 4 years ago.
4. Pineapple
Log Cabin: Need to make 11 more blocks, assemble top & quilt. Started this 3 years ago.
5. Anders’ Modern Building Blocks: Bought all the fabric, but only one block made so far. Started 8 months ago.
7. Frankenwhiggish: I predict that I will still be working on this hand applique project until I die, and someone else will have to finish it for me. Started 3 years ago.
8. 6”
Sampler: Continue making blocks until I have enough for the Queen bed in my guest room. Started in
10. *Lars’s
Quillow: Not started, but needs to be done by end of May 2019!
Asterisks indicate projects that I've purchased fabric for but have not yet started. The ones in red I'm hoping to finish by the end of this year because honestly, enough is enough, right?! Keep in mind that I have a home and a business to run, and limited "free time" for quilting each week... And that I still have not finished that skirt I was making, and I have enough garment fabric and patterns in my stash that I could clothe a small army (IF I found time to sew any of those things!)
So, what do you all think? Should I go with my current design for Lars's quillow quilt and just get cracking on it, setting other UFOs aside, ignoring menial tasks like house cleaning and bathing, and make it happen one way or another? Or do I need to go back to the drawing board and come up with something less ambitious and more realistic?