
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Her Name Is Judy: My Featherweight Has an I.Q. of 172

Judy Holliday in the film Born Yesterday, 1950
My Featherweight now has a name -- it's Judy, after comic actress Judy Holliday.  Judy Holliday won the Oscar for Best Leading Lady in 1951 (the year my Featherweight was "born") for her performance in the film Born Yesterday -- and my little Featherweight hums along as if she was only "born yesterday," too!

Actress Judy Holliday, the Dumb Blonde with an I.Q. of 172
Furthermore, although Judy Holliday's fame was built upon her role as a "dumb blonde," she was actually a bookworm with an I.Q. of 172, which is pretty remarkable when you consider that only 0.4% of the population is estimated to have an I.Q. above 140.  To further put this into perspective, consider that Bill Gates had an I.Q. of 160Stephen Hawking has an I.Q. of 160, and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has an I.Q. of 170.  This is also like Judy the Featherweight, whose diminutive size and cutesy appearance belies her reputation as one of the best engineered, most reliable, and most beloved sewing machines ever created.  Maybe I should get an obnoxious bumper sticker for my car that reads, "My Featherweight is Smarter Than Your Honor Student?"  It would look great with my Skull and Scissors Decal...

Judy the Featherweight: Judge Me By My Looks, Do You?
Judy the Featherweight has been set aside for the time being while we wait for her new electrical cord, foot pedal, and missing thread guide to arrive.  I did talk to my Bernina dealer about her this morning, and he's going to service the machine for me once I get those parts -- which is wonderful news, because he takes great care of my Berninas and is only a few minutes away from where I live.  That will give me the peace of mind of knowing that all the electrical parts are safe, but I also know that Berry (my dealer and service tech) will be able to make any timing or tension adjustments needed and help me keep her in top shape.

As you might imagine, I have accomplished ABSOLUTELY NOTHING today, except for naming a sewing machine and answering a couple of emails.  Ahem.  Back to work!


  1. She's not only smart, she's cute too! Congrats on your new love.

  2. Judy Holliday was a hoot! That's a perfect name for your featherweight! Love it!

  3. Just had too let you know that I have been enjoying your blog and have been amazed at some of our similarities in taste. Have to thank you for posting pictures of your new studio. I came across your blog while trying to design a table for ny new Bernina 750. I will kind of using your table ideas, hope you don't mind. Then I just about burst out laughing when I seen that you have a new featherweight, I got mine in Febuary.

  4. I hope I don't double post here, My first has disappeared.

    I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your blog. I came across it while looking for table ideas for my new Bernina 750. I loved your set up and may be using some of your ideas. I think we have similar tastes you see. Then today I burst out laughing when I see that you have a lovely featherweight. I just got mine in Febuary. Great minds think alike!!!

  5. Thanks, Anonymous! I'd love to see pictures of your 750 cabinet AND your Featherweight! You know, I had considered getting an Activa or a 350 PE for a second "baby sister" machine that would be more portable, but when I sat down to test-sew they just made me wish I was sewing on my 750 instead. The Featherweight is completely different and so much fun that I know I'll enjoy using it much more than a 3/4 size new machine, even without the extra stitches and modern features that the newer machines have.


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