
Saturday, March 31, 2012

A BRIEF Update on the Drunken Dragons Quilt

Channel Quilting with Walking Foot, Monofilament Nylon Thread
Now that I've finished quilting "in the ditch," I'm adding additional straight lines of quilting vertically through out the Drunken Dragons quilt, using the width of my walking foot as a spacing guide.  I'm quilting two straight lines to the left of each seam and two straight lines to the right, removing safety pins as I come to them.  As you can see, now that I'm not in the ditch anymore the quilting isn't TOTALLY invisible, so now it feels more worthwhile -- but it's still boring.  I'll be glad when I have all of the straight vertical lines in the quilt so I can turn it and start on the horizontal lines.  With the quilt all rolled up and folded, you can't really see the progress you're making.    By the way, I'm quilting all of the straight lines first because the fancy designs and curved quilting lines will tend to pull in and distort the quilt, and it would be next to impossible to quilt straight lines afterwards. 

And -- can you believe it? -- that's ALL I have to say about that right now.  They say that brevity is the soul of wit, and I'm trying SO hard to get my wits about me, for a change...

Have a great day!

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