
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day, With a Twist

I'm sorry; I couldn't resist...  I was googling to find a nice Valentine's Day image to share, just something short and sweet and lovely, and was reminded that this hearts-and-flowers holiday we're celebrating today all began with the brutal clubbing and beheading of a Catholic priest named Valentine who was martyred for performing marriages against the wishes of Roman Emperor Claudius II.  Then I stumbled upon this photo, which totally appeals to my inappropriate sense of humor.  I am also breaking a cardinal rule with this one, not linking back to the original source for the photo, because it was co-ed-something-or-other porn site.  Google, why do you take me to these nasty web sites?  All I asked for was "Valentine's Day Images!"  Thank goodness for the parental control lockdown on the kids' computer!

On that note -- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!  I hope none of you get clubbed or beheaded.


  1. Hi Rebecca,

    Happy Valentine's Day to you too! I am currently away from home - that's why you haven't heard much from me.

    To answer your question: Yes, I do use my BSR, and I love it. But I also know some that quilt better without it. I guess you will have to try it and see if you like or dislike it. Let me know what your preference is. :)

  2. Ooops... forgot to answer your 2nd question. It's "faux" trapunto. I used wool batting, and due to the dense quilting, the unquilted areas puff up like they are done with trapunto.


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