Hulda, female from Guardian Rottweilers |
Okay, so I'm not rushing out to buy a puppy today, or tomorrow, or even next month. No crazy puppy-for-Christmas schemes are hatching in my mind. But my husband and I have been discussing adding a dog to our household off and on for the last few months, and we're leaning heavily towards a Rottweiler.
Me &Byron in 1998 (nope, that's not my natural haircolor, either!) |
It has been a long time since we have had a dog in our household. Our last dog was a Golden Retriever named Byron Fussy that I had impulsively purchased at a puppy store while still in college, and he exhibited all of the health issues that are so common with irresponsibly bred "puppy mill" dogs: severe
hip displasia and arthritis that rendered him lame after even a brief, leisurely walk around the neighborhood,
extreme thunderstorm anxiety that had him racing around the house in a panic every time it stormed, trying to jump through windows to escape (even after we'd given him the doggy Valium prescribed by the vet), skin problems, digestive problems requiring special dogfood. He even lacked some of the major breed characteristics that Golden Retrievers are supposed to have: he refused to go in the water, and didn't want to retrieve anything. If we threw a ball or a frisbee, he'd turn his head to follow the path of the object and then look back at us as if to say, "I'm not your errand boy; get your own ball if you want it!" Despite his issues and shortcomings, however, we loved Byron Fussy and cared for him faithfully for over twelve years. It was difficult to lose him, and with two small children in diapers at the time, we didn't rush out to buy another dog. We've been a dogless household for the last seven years.
So, why now, and why a Rottweiler?
1. Well, for one thing, Bernie travels a lot for business. The boys are in second grade and fourth grade, so they are not as hands-on, high-maintenance as they were when they were in diapers, and they are in school all day long. Although I do work full time, I work from home -- and it's quiet here when Bernie's out of town. It would be nice to have the company of a dog during the day.
2. Secondly, when Bernie's not traveling, he also works from home. The dog would very infrequently be left alone, since one or the other of us is almost always at the house. I used to hate having to leave Byron Fussy alone day after day when we left for work, but we have a lot more to offer a dog now than we did back then in terms of the time and attention we could invest in the dog.
3. There have been a lot of break-ins in the area over the past year. A few weeks ago, a car with a couple of men in it were scoping out our house while I was here alone, parked outside in the cul-de-sac, discussing and pointing, then drove away only to return 20 minutes later and park and again apparently discussing how to break in. I stepped out onto the front steps so they could see me, my heart pounding, and took their picture with my iPhone, then jumped back in the house, locked the door, set the alarm, and called 911. The car sped away after I took the picture, and the police came but did not apprehend them. Later, when I told Bernie about the incident, he remembered seeing the exact same car parked in our cul-de-sac earlier that morning
while he was packing suitcases into his car in our driveway before he left on his business trip. Great, isn't it?! Just last weekend, a home on the other side of our neighborhood was robbed in broad daylight on Saturday afternoon by men in a different car who had apparently been watching the home, because they pulled up and broke in through the back door almost immediately after the family left to run some errands. I would feel a lot safer in my home knowing that any would-be-burglers scoping out a target would be intimidated by the Rottweiler and move on to some other house instead.
4. "Aren't those dogs dangerous," you may ask? Well, they are large, strong, powerful, and naturally protective of their home and family, but if they are properly trained, well socialized, and supervised, it turns out that they can be wonderful family pets. Responsible breeders like the former female police officer and mother who owns
Guardian Rottweilers in Indiana (the source of all the Rottweilers featured in this post) intentionally produce Rotties who are family-friendly and good with small children. However, if bad guys smashed in windows or doors at the back of my house, a Rottwieler would not greet them with love and affection the way my Golden Retriever probably would have -- and I think most burglars would move on as soon as they realized there was a Rottweiler on guard.
Sango from Guardian Rottweilers |
5. We need to be getting more exercise. Because exercise is something that's just for me, I tend to put it at the bottom of the list after things like laundry, food shopping, helping the kids with homework, working on clients' projects, etc. I used to enjoy going on long walks with Bernie before he started traveling so much, and I don't enjoy walking or jogging alone. Knowing that the dog was counting on me for exercise, and knowing that a Rottweiler needs to get that exercise every day to be well-behaved and obedient, would help me move those daily walks up to the top of my list. Then I'd start to see all the benefits I'm missing from exercise myself, like more energy, a more positive outlook, not feeling like an old lady when I get all tuckered out from climbing the stairs, etc.
Carl the Rottweiler looks after the baby in Good Dog, Carl by Alexandra Day |
6. Remember the wordless picture book by Alexandra Day,
Good Dog, Carl? Obviously I'm not going to leave any dog alone with a baby, let alone a Rottweiler, but still. I read this book easily a thousand times to my sons when they were little, and I'm sure it contributes to the warm fuzzy feeling I have toward the breed.
7. Rottweilers are beautiful! Look at these gorgeous puppies that are currently available from
Guardian Rottweilers:
Apollo, male |
Audrey, female |
This is by no means a definite. I still want to do a lot more research about the breed, and find a breeder and local trainer that I'm comfortable with. If we bring a dog into our family again, it's really important to me that the dog is extremely well-trained and well-behaved, no matter what breed it is. No knocking down visitors to lick their faces, no begging at the dinner table, no jumping up on furniture and beds and refusing to make room for humans. There will need to be puppy obedience classes and probably one-on-one sessions with a trainer, preferably one who has lots of experience with the breed.
Initially we were thinking of getting two dogs from the same litter, but I'm having second thoughts about that as I consider the possibility of walking two dogs by myself, each weighing a hundred pounds. It's probably a better idea to start out with one and see how that goes before adding a second dog, since you don't really know in the beginning what the individual dog's personality will turn out to be. Some dogs are more challenging than others. I would also need to get a fence installed around our back yard first, and I think that the best timing for bringing home a puppy would be the start of summer vacation when our schedules slow down.
Still, it's fun to think about!